How can i tell if a broken weather seal is causing my garage door problems?

Look for light at the bottom of the door. At night, turn on your garage light and then go outside and look at the bottom of the door in the dark. If you see a light peeking through the underside of the garage door, you'll know that the garage door seal isn't working properly. If there are cracks in the lower weather stripe or if it has dried out, it will need to be replaced.

Also check for signs of discoloration and sagging. The bottom garage door seal (or door sweep) is a long strip of rubber or vinyl that attaches to the bottom edge of the garage door. The flexible material compresses when the door is closed, sealing the space along the floor to prevent water, dirt, cold breezes and bugs from entering. You'll know it's time to replace the bottom gasket when you can see daylight underneath the bottom of the door when it's closed.

You may also feel a draft or see water if the outside of the door gets wet. The problem could be as simple as an unplugged engine or as complex as needing a new spring system for garage doors. It's also important to weather seal your garage to protect your home from harmful elements such as heavy rain, snow, hail, and wind. Placing weather strips on the garage door will prevent dirt, rain and other inclement weather from entering, as well as preventing insects and other bugs from entering.

Wooden garage doors typically use a simple strip-shaped seal with angled edges that seal against the front of the door and the floor. If you are skilled and want to replace the weather stripe, you can handle it on your own. Instead of placing a wider rubber band under the door, which could cause premature wear of the weather seal, install a storm protector. Sealing a garage door from the elements usually involves a simple process of adding or replacing the bottom door seal and the gaskets of the stop molding along the sides and top of the door.

Representative Donnie Deaton did an exceptional job replacing and repairing several objects, as the door is now quiet and closes smoothly like a new door. RCS Garage Doors is your local team of garage door experts based in Charlotte, North Carolina, serving many of the neighboring cities in the Carolinas. Other common problems when opening garage doors include a loud door, a door that shakes, or a “crooked” door. You may also need to adjust the sensors or the door opener for a door that won't open or fully open during any season of the year.

While you can repair a sunken garage door with tension bars, you might want to consider replacing it with an updated model that moves smoothly and gives your home a fresh look.

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